A gastrointestinal (GI) doctor diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the digestive tract, which include the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, colon and esophagus. Whether it’s a minor symptom or serious disease, there are many reasons an individual may visit a gastroenterologist.

GI physicians are a valuable resource to help you understand factors that influence GI health and to diagnosis and treat conditions. Before scheduling to see a doctor, you may want to prepare some questions to help organize your thoughts and help you get the most out of the appointment.

No matter if you’re seeing a gastroenterologist for the first time or a return visit, your doctor realizes that a lot of information can sometimes be overwhelming. Consider bringing another person with you to your appointment if you need additional support. A family member or friend can help you process the information and ensure all of your questions get answered.

Here are some questions that you may want to ask your gastroenterologist.

Diagnosis and Treatment Questions

  • What is my specific diagnosis?
  • What causes my condition or disorder?
  • How common is my diagnosis?
  • Was my condition preventable?
  • Have you ever diagnosed other people with this condition?
  • Which of my symptoms led to my diagnosis?
  • What other symptoms will I possibly experience from the condition or disorder?
  • What should I expect with this diagnosis?
  • What treatment options do I have?

Diagnostic Questions

  • Do I need any tests or scans to confirm my diagnosis? If so, which one(s)?
  • Do you need to perform any endoscopic or invasive tests?
  • Will any of these tests or scans need to be repeated after I undergo treatment? How often?
  • Should my family members or I get tested for possible hereditary issues?

Lifestyle Questions

  • Should I change or modify my diet?
  • Will this impact my ability to work?
  • Can I still travel or drive?
  • Are there any activities I should avoid?
  • Can you tell me who I talk to about my financial or insurance concerns?
  • Is there support program available that can help my family and me?

Ready to schedule a consultation or cancer screening? Contact us to make an appointment.